Likely ARS at III-1727

No systematic name assigned

Status: Likely ARS: Identified by 3 genome-wide studies.

Genomic Location: Chr3:1727182-1727682
Probably within divergent intergenic space between SPCC191.12c and SPCC191.13.
View at Ensembl browser

DNA Sequence:

Helical Stability: Minimum -138.0 ΔG° (kcal/mol) at location 1727652.

Origin activity in HU: Origin activity detected in HU — more details.

ARS at III-1727 has unique ID: 700

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ARS at III-1727 has unique ID: 700

Studies that cloned this origin

None curated.

Studies that analyzed this origin by 2D gel

None curated.

Studies that detected this origin by chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)

Hayashi et al. (2007): Chr3:1727850

Studies that measured the replication time of this origin

The replication time of origin has not be reported by any curated study.

Studies that measured the activity of this origin in hydroxyurea (HU)

Feng et al. (2006): Chr3:1723800

Heichinger et al. (2006): Chr3:1726174

Studies that predicted the location of this origin

Segurado et al. (2003): Chr3:1727432

ARS at III-1727 has unique ID: 700

These notes are manually curated. To submit notes for this replication origin site please contact us.

There are no notes entered for this replication origin site.

ARS at III-1727 has unique ID: 700

Genome-wide studies that identified this origin

Feng et al. (2006): PubMed | PubMed Central | Nat. Cell Biol.

Heichinger et al. (2006): PubMed | PubMed Central | EMBO J.

Hayashi et al. (2007): PubMed | PubMed Central | EMBO J.

Studies that cloned this origin

None identified.

Studies that analyzed this origin by 2D gel

None identified.

Studies that confirmed an essential ACS element

None identified.

Studies that predicted an essential ACS element

None identified.

ARS at III-1727 has unique ID: 700